Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Top Chef Episode 3

Richard put away the foo-foo and won the quickfire. Great job for someone twice my age. The jicima is one of my three subjects tonight.

The elimination challenge was exciting but the food was ridiculous. The idea of each challenge every week in and out is to elevate the food. Simply execute then elevate, this bunch still can't execute.

Lets cut straight to the Judges table where the action really took place this week ! Mediocre food for mediocre people..... Are you serious?
You are cooking for the judges! Get it straight. Telling them that their palates collectively are to fine and too perfect is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Andrew....we'll save it for later. Good to see another Chicka win ... love to see women in the industry.... It was pastry to boot!!!!

Alright! 3 Things

A delightful vegetable, it has the texture of a granny smith apple or an asian pear. The flesh is fine and rolls up real nice. I definately would have peeled it Richard!!!!!! nice ingredient

Shut Up !!! Do Not go to the Judge's Table all boozed up.

Jenn & Zoi
I BET you have extensive experience with her palate. HA



Felicity and Harry said...

Uncle S-pez-dis, I have three things, too. 1. I've never had a taco, jicama or otherwise. 2. Andrew is Mommy's favorite especially when he says naughty words. 3. Are you talking about lesbians? That's silly!

Felicity and Harry said...

Dear Uncle BCC,
Where is your commentary on TC Episode 4??? Next week, things are heatin' up in the kitchen! No doubt! Love, F